miércoles, 26 de marzo de 2008

Swipes! 01: Liquid Light (1 DVD de DOBLE CAPA)

For more info: Product homepage

60 Full Screen Animated Wipes
30 - SD ( PAL & NTSC )
30 - HD
60 Matching Sound FX
2 - Sound effects per wipe
1.5 Seconds average length
Provided at 60 FPS for super smooth interlaced and progressive playback.
QuickTime® format

miércoles, 19 de marzo de 2008

Dreamweaver CS3 with CSS Essential Training

Those who are new to CSS, or who want to create more efficient and powerful style sheets, will benefit from Dreamweaver CS3 with CSS Essential Training. Instructor James Williamson teaches the entire process of CSS management in Dreamweaver, following a step-by-step workflow. He covers XHTML/CSS fundamentals, and working with typography, navigation, background properties, layout, and multiple media types. This in-depth training explores the entire process of creating site-wide style sheets, from concept to deployment. Exercise files accompany the course.

Adobe After Effects Tutorials (CREATIVE COW)

AE Blending Mode Tips #1.mp4
AE Boomerang Effect, Part 1.mp4
AE Boomerang Effect, Part 2.mp4
After Effects 7 and ParticleIllusion3.mp4
After Effects 7 Navigation Tips.mp4
After Effects CS3 Vanishing Point.mp4
After Effects Expression Controls - Part 1.mp4
After Effects Expression Controls - Part 2.mp4
After Effects Expression Controls - Part 3.mp4
After Effects Expressions Tips #1.mp4
After Effects Text Tips #1.mp4
After Effects Workflow Tips #1.mp4
After Effects Workflow Tips #2.mp4
After Effects Workflow Tips #3.mp4
After Effects Workflow Tips #4.mp4
After Effects Workflow Tips #5.mp4
After Effects Workflow Tips #6.mp4
After Effects Workflow Tips #7.mp4
After Effects Workflow Tips #8.mp4
An Introduction to Video Compression.mp4
Animating a Signature on Screen - Part 2.mp4
Animating a Signature on Screen.mp4
Animating a TV Turning On and Off.mp4
Basic Color Keying Techniques.m4v
Blend and Bend Time.mp4 Bloooom_tutoz0r.wmv
Broadcast-Safe Colors in After Effects.m4v
Common After Effects Gotchas #1.mp4
Converting Video to Cartoon - Part 1.m4v
Converting Video to Cartoon - Part 2.m4v
Converting Video to Cartoon - Part 3.m4v
Creating 3D Extruded Text.mp4
Creating 3D Moving Titles.mp4
Creating 3D Reflections in AE.mp4
110 Creating a Custom Wave Form - Part 1.mp4
Creating a Custom Wave Form - Part 2.mp4
Creating a Flock of Birds in AE Part 1.m4v
Creating a Flock of Birds in AE Part 2.m4v
Creating A Freeze Frame.mp4
Creating a Heart Monitor in AE.mp4
Creating a Hologram Look in After Effects.mp4
Creating a Magnifying Glass Effect in AE.mp4
Creating a Skybox.mp4
Creating an Odometer - Part 1.mp4
Creating an Odometer - Part 2.mp4
Creating an Odometer - Part 3.mp4
Creating an Outline around an Actor.m4v
Creating and Enhancing Text Wipe On Effects in After Effects.m4v
Creating the Old TV Signal Look.mp4
Digits Man - Part 1.mp4
Digits Man - Part 2.mp4
Displacement Mapping Part 1.m4v
Displacement Mapping Part 2.m4v
Displacement Mapping Part 3.m4v
Effecting the AE Fractal Noise Effect.mp4
Effectively Using AE Z-Scale.m4v
Enhanced Bins in Premiere Pro CS3.mp4
Enhanced Source Channel Mappings Premiere CS3.mp4
Film Flash Tutorial.m4v
Fixing Scaling Issues Part 1.m4v
Fixing Scaling Issues Part 2.m4v
Force Motion Blur.mp4
GridIron Nucleo Pro Introduction and Review.mp4
Horror Text Part 1.mp4
Horror Text Part 2.mp4 I
mporting a Motion Path.m4v
Keeping Your Speed Constant in AE.m4v
Light Writing - Part 1.mp4
Light Writing - Part 2.mp4
Lip-Syncing in After Effects.mp4
Looping AE's Fractal Noise Effect.mp4
Multi-Machine Rendering with After Effects.m4v
Nesting and Pre-Composing - Part 1.mp4
Nesting and Pre-Composing - Part 2.mp4
Per-Character 3D Text.mp4
Per-Character Text Blur.m4v
Photoshop Layer Styles in AE CS3.mp4
Premiere Pro CS3 Preview.mp4
Premiere Pro CS3 Time Remapping Part 1.mp4
Ramping Up With Adobe After Effects.mp4
Scaling a Motion Path.m4v
Smoking letters in AE CS3.m4v
Source Channel Mappings.mp4
Straight vs. Premultiplied.mp4
Super Tight Junk Mattes.m4v
The Very, Very Basics of Fractal Noise.mp4
Using Brainstorm in AE CS3.mp4
Using the Echo Effect with Animated Layers.mp4
Using the Puppet Tool with Particle Effects.mp4
Watermark Removal.mp4
Weather Replacement - Part 1.mp4
Weather Replacement - Part 2.mp4
Weather Replacement - Part 3.mp4
Working with Adobe Clip Notes - Part 1.mp4
Working with Adobe Clip Notes - Part 2.mp4
Working with Null Objects in AE.mp4
Working With the Scribble Effect - Part 1.mp4
Working With the Scribble Effect - Part 2.mp4

lunes, 17 de marzo de 2008


Pc o Mac con lector DVD y televisor
Duración180 minutos
Crear fácilmente los contenidos multimedia dinámicos e interactivos, gracias a la potencia de sus herramientas de desarrollo.
Aprenderás como añadir sonidos a las películas de Flash, así como el uso de controles de edición de sonido.
Capitulo I - Introducción y la Interfaz de Flash
Capitulo II - La paleta de herramientas
Capitulo III - La herramienta Pincel
Capitulo IV - Barras de menús I
Capitulo V - Barras de menús II
Capitulo VI - Publicación y exportación de películas Flash
Capitulo VII - Configuración de la publicaciónCapitulo VIII - Dibujar y crear animaciones con Flash
Capitulo IX - Animaciones y películas interactivas
Capitulo X - Agregar sonido a una película Flash

TRABAJE YA!! CONADOBE AUDITION 2 (videocurso en español)

Por medio de este curso aprenderá a manejar las potentes herramientas que proporciona Adobe Audition para crear música fácilmente, producir anuncios radiofónicos y restaurar grabaciones defectuosas. Al final podrá exportar sus producciones de audio hacia cualquier medio en dónde lo necesite, por ejemplo, en formato MP3 para destinarlo a Internet o en formato WAV para crear un CD de audio; también conocerás el proceso para producir sonido envolvente (soundround), el cual se utiliza en las grandes producciones de cine y video DVD.
Más de 2 horas y media de explicaciones.
Basadas en dinámicas películas Flash.
Barra de control de tiempo en las películas, para fácil desplazamiento en las lecciones.
Aprendizaje acelerado y mnemotécnico.

TRABAJE YA!! CON FLASH PROFESSIONAL 8 (videocurso en español)

Guía audiovisual en CD-ROM para aprender a manejar el programa más empleado en la creación de animaciones para Internet y diseño de sitios Web de alto impacto: Macromedia Flash Professional 8.Por medio de este curso aprenderás a crear casi cualquier tipo de animación en Flash, pero además de esto, es altamente recomendable este curso porque aquí aprenderás la forma en que se estructura un sitio Web en Flash, creando páginas altamente dinámicas con menús, vínculos y otros elementos interactivos.
Más de 4 horas de explicaciones.
Basadas en dinámicas películas Flash.
Barra de control de tiempo en las películas, para fácil desplazamiento en las lecciones.
Aprendizaje acelerado y mnemotécnico.

Inside Adobe Premiere Pro Training DVD

The award-winning Digital Media Training Series presents Inside Adobe Premiere Pro. In this 4-plus hour interactive training DVD, instructor Terry Nauheim demonstrates how to professionally use Adobe Premiere Pro to edit projects for events, DVD, web, and broadcast. With Inside Adobe Premiere Pro you'll learn to edit video like the pros!

Premiere Pro 2 Essential Training

Premiere Pro 2 Essential Training with Jeff Schell covers all the vital details of the latest version of Adobe's feature-packed video editing application. You'll start out learning interface and workspace tips and will quickly move on to managing files, assembling sequences, adding graphics, titles, effects and transitions, working with video and audio effects, and authoring DVDs and export movies. Jeff even includes tips on multi-camera editing, tackling project management from start to finish, and working with DV and HDV footage. Exercise files accompany the training videos, allowing you to follow along and learn at your own pace. If you are brand new to working with digital video, we recommend you watch Digital Video Principles first.

Adobe Photoshop CS3 A-Z: Tools and features illustrated ready reference

Product Details
Paperback: 320 pages
Publisher: Focal Press (July 23, 2007)
Language: English

The Adobe Photoshop Layers Book: Harnessing Photoshop's Most Powerful Tool, covers Photoshop CS3

Imagine yourself in total control of every adjustment to your photos. Youve seen the illustrations in glossy magazines, the fine art reproductions in museum catalogs, the award-winning pictures of professional photographers. To produce this kind of magic, understanding how to use layers for your entire breadth of image correction is key.
Discover the best ways to showcase your talent with the full power of layers from best-selling author/digital image specialist Richard Lynch. Learn what layers can do for you as an integral part of organizing image development, creating and storing image versions with nondestructive editing, and promoting a positive workflow.
Product Details
288 pages
Focal Press; Pap/Cdr edition (July 30, 2007)

jueves, 13 de marzo de 2008

Total Training for Adobe® Encore CS3: Essentials

Running Time:
2 Hrs
Project Files:
Use the Encore CS3 Interface to its full potential for a quick and organized work flow.
Learn the foundation on how to build simple and complex menus.
Design and Edit Menus in Photoshop.
Preview and Test the Menu System you create.
Build and Export to DVD, Blu-Ray, and even Flash.



miércoles, 12 de marzo de 2008

Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0 Revealed

Product Details
Paperback: 320 pages
Publisher: Course Technology PTR; 1 edition (January 31, 2006)
Language: English
Book Description
Get ready to capture the dynamic capabilities that Adobe Premiere Pro® 2.0 has to offer! Giving you a firm foundation, "Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0 Revealed" allows you to master concepts on both a technical and artistic level. Begin by examining the concept behind each task-the goal and the necessary features that are involved. Then go in-depth with the objective of your task as you study examples and learn the steps necessary to complete it. Working your way through comprehensive, step-by-step lessons, you’ll develop the confidence you need to create polished, professional-looking videos using Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0.

The Focal Easy Guide to Adobe ® Encore DVD 2.0

Product Details
Paperback: 256 pages
Publisher: Focal Press; 2Rev Ed edition (April 25, 2006)
Language: English
Book Description
Software programs are complex, the books that explain them shouldnt be. This thoroughly illustrated, full-color guide explains everything you need to know to get up and running quickly with Adobe Encore DVD 2.0 without any extraneous information or complicated, detailed explanations. The author focuses solely on the key features you will need to start producing and mastering professional-quality DVDs immediately in order to avoid overloading you with too many details. Learn best practices for planning your project, importing video and audio assests, creating professional-looking menus, and adding custom project elements. Abundant illustrations, screenshots, and concise, results-driven text makes this the ultimate guide to getting up and running quickly with Encore DVD.

Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Unleashed

Book Description
This book is the most comprehensive and independent resource for experienced web developers who want to plan, architect, develop, and deploy state-of-the-art websites, applications, and services.

Expert web developer and trainer Zak Ruvalcaba brings together real-world insights and advanced techniques for every facet of contemporary web development, from site management to data-driven applications and multimedia content to security. Ruvalcaba systematically illuminates the major improvements Adobe has brought to Dreamweaver CS3, including its powerful new Spry framework for Ajax development, its innovative CSS browser compatibility checking, and more.
Detailed information on how to…

Get productive with Dreamweaver CS3 development fast, whether you’re new to Dreamweaver or upgrading from previous versions
Create more effective, compatible CSS sites–and leverage Dreamweaver CS3’s powerful new CSS templates
Streamline and automate workflow across your development and content teams
Incorporate animation, video, and audio, including Adobe Flash content
Make the most of databases and SQL queries in your sites and applications
Build dynamic pages and sites that integrate everything from search functionality to user authentication
Implement high-performance web services with Adobe Dreamweaver CS3
Use Adobe’s new Spry framework, widgets, and effects to quickly build rich XML-based applications

Adobe Digital Video How-Tos: 100 Essential Techniques with Adobe Production Studio

Book Description

The Adobe Production Studio offers a complete post-production package that combines Adobe's video and graphics software with the timesaving integration and workflow features of Adobe Dynamic Link and Adobe Bridge. With the addition of Flash, videographers and filmmakers can bring their content to a rich, interactive presence on the Web as well. The benefits of using all of the tools in the bundle are many and here to help guide readers through the wide range of features is an info-packed guide that hits all the key techniques they are most likely to use in their digital video projects. Each stand-alone tip includes relevant hints and a graphic example so that readers can learn exactly what they need to know and move on to the next important technique. When each program has been explored, additional tips on integration and workflow are included to show how you can use the various programs for a complete solution in this exciting, integrated environment.

sábado, 8 de marzo de 2008

Web Marketing For Dummies

Web Marketing for Dummies provides the know-how for creating a solid Web marketing plan, from building a user-friendly site that draws attention to closing a sale on your site. This easily accessible guide leverages your offline knowledge of marketing into mastery of the Web. It shows you a number of strategies that you can apply to your business and how to put your site to work for you. The items you’ll draw from this book will enable you to:

Understand online marketing essentials
Prepare an online business plan
Design the look and feel of your site
Create a concept, develop content, and make it accessible
Know the key components of an online store
Use buzzing, e-mailing, and other advertising tactics
Make your site search engine friendly
Handle Web transactions with ease
Stay out of legal trouble
Wow customers with new technology

The Essential Guide to Dreamweaver CS3 with CSS, Ajax, and PHP

Book Description

With over 3 million users worldwide, Adobe's Dreamweaver is the most popular web development software in the world, and it just took another step forward with CS3, the new version released in 2007. Having come a long way from its humble beginnings as a simple web design tool, CS3 allows you to rapidly put together standards compliant web sites and dynamic web sites with server-side languages and Ajax, and much more. To complement this great new application, David Powers has written the ultimate guide to itThe Essential Guide to Dreamweaver CS3 teaches you everything you need to know about the application, from setting up your development environment environment to publishing your sites and applications on the web, and everything in between.

Summary of Contents

Chapter 1: Dreamweaver CS3Your Creative Partner
Chapter 2: Building Dynamic Sites with Ajax and PHP
Chapter 3: Getting the Work Environment Ready
Chapter 4: Setting Up a PHP Site
Chapter 5: Adding a Touch of Style
Chapter 6: Creating a CSS Site Straight Out of the Box
Chapter 7: Building Site Navigation with the Spry Menu Bar
Chapter 8: Sprucing Up Content with Spry Widgets
Chapter 9: Building Online Forms and Validating Input
Chapter 10: Introducing the Basics of PHP
Chapter 11: Using PHP to Process a Form
Chapter 12: Working with PHP Includes and Templates
Chapter 13: Setting Up MySQL and phpMyAdmin
Chapter 14: Storing Records in a Database
Chapter 15: Controlling Access to Your Site
Chapter 16: Working with Multiple Tables
Chapter 17: Searching Records and Handling Dates
Chapter 18: Using XSLT to Display Live News Feeds and XML
Chapter 19: Using Spry to Display XML
Chapter 20: Getting the Best of Both Worlds with PHP and Spry